Thousands of consoles, already out of their 1-year standard warranty, were thrown out by customers who believed there was no way to fix them. Unfortunately, even if your unit is still under warranty it typically takes 1-2 month to get a replacement from the manufacturer. Brandon Computer Repairs can fix most game console issues. We can also modify your XBOX 360, PS3 and other consoles, thus preventing more problems from arising in the future.

- XBOX 360 RROD Fix
- XBOX Disk Read Issues
- PS3 YLOD Fix
- PS3 YLOD Fix

The 'Red Ring of Death'
One of the most common game consoles today is The Xbox 360. The 'Red Ring of Death' is the biggest Xbox 360 fault, causing around 30% to 33% of all Xbox 360's to completely fail. The user is indicated of the problem when the mystical Xbox 360 "Ring of Light" on the front of the Xbox 360 console changed from its usual green colors to three quadrants of red (shown below). Brandon Computer Repairs can fix this issue and offer a MOD that involves speeding up cooling fans and adding an extra LED fan on the side of the unit to prevent RROD in the future.
- PS3 Disc Read Issues
- Nintendo Wii Disc Read Issues
- PSP Cracked Screen Repair
- Nintendo DS Top Cracked Screen Repair

Disc Read Issue
Another common issue exists in most gaming consoles including XBOX 360, Sony Play Station 3 and Nintendo Wii. The unit gradually or suddenly stops reading discs. Sometimes the console will still be able to read some discs but not Games or Blu-Ray discs. This problem is caused by a damaged diode on the drive's laser. This common game console problem can be fixed by replacing a bad laser with a new higher quality laser.

'Yellow Light of Death'
Similar to XBOX 360 Sony Play Station 3 has an overheating problem. This common PS3 problem has a nick name 'Yellow Light of Death'. If one day you went to turn on your PS3 but there is nothing on the screen and PS3's power light has turned yellow or it simply turns on and off you may be a victim of "Yellow Light of Death". We can fix this problem by repairing the 'reality synthesizer' chip and we can also offer you an option to modify your PS3 so this issue does not come back.

Damage Repair
PSP and Nintendo DS are cool, powerful and tough, but because of their portable nature they are more likely to get damaged compared to stationary Game Consoles. We offer any and all PSP and DS repairs. Brandon Computer Repairs can repair cracked screens, disc read issues, broken disc doors, controller issues, install custom firmware etc..
Station Rental Rates
$12.00 first peron / $5.00 each additional player.
Each station accomodates for up to 4 players. -
Game times are subject to change due to possible group parties and tournaments. Feel free to make reservations in advance.
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